Being a great family photographer requires me to wear SO MANY different hats. Yes, there is the actual photographing part, but I would argue that is one of the smallest pieces of the family photographer pie chart. The other pieces are what makes me qualified to be great photographer for children.
My Background with Young Children
Jumping into the child and family photographer business was a natural progression. Many years ago, I received my undergraduate in elementary education and proceed to earn my Masters in Early Childhood Education shortly after.
For five years I taught kindergarten and first grade in the Texas public school system. Being on my toes in front of a young audience brought me so much joy. I loved my days of creating lessons around stories and guiding my students through their learning stations. As with any job, it wasn’t just teaching. I had to create organizational systems to keep up with student progress and communicate with parents on a daily basis.
Family Time
After teaching in public schools, I took a little break to welcome my two oldest daughters. Having two little ones at home, not only kept me on my toes, and brought me tremendous joy, it also allowed me time to document my family through photographs.

A few years passed and a great opportunity opened at out wonderful preschool. I loved working with my little three year old angels. It was all about play, snuggles, exploring, and fun. I treasure my time at our sweet preschool. Here again, I had to find ways to communicate with parents and create a fun, but organized system in the classroom.
After our last child was born, I decided to stay home once again! This time, I had an even stronger pull to document my family through photographs. I deep dived learning my digital camera, took classes, and practiced, practiced, practiced. As I practiced more with family, then eventually friends, my dream for my business began to form
Allison Krogness Photography begins!
Finally, my two working loves merged into family photography. Not only do I get to work with young children and families, but I am allowed to use my camera to create beautiful stories of the children and families I meet. Once again, I get to be on my toes in front of little ones! My background also allows you to feel more relaxed, because I have seen it all! From teaching young children for eight years and being a mom for 18 years, there are not many things that bother me. Of course having a few preschool appropriate potty words up my sleeve does help when a smile is needed to break the ice.
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