What to expect for your newborn session with Fort Worth Photographer Allison Krogness

June 19, 2024

hey there, I'm Allison


I use my blog to share about  my photography sessions, prepare my clients for their photography sessions, and share helpful resources for new parents.




helpful hints

What you can expect for your newborn session, might not be what you think! Newborn photography sessions are a wonderful time to celebrate the arrival of your new baby. Over the last (almost) five years I have photographed many families in the Fort Worth area and I always find it helpful to set expectations for your photo session. Things such as creating a plan, following your child’s lead, and making sure you feel comfortable are details you will find in all my sessions. Let’s take a look!

A Plan for your Newborn Session

One of the most important things we will do prior to your session is plan! I thrive when I know what is expected of me and I think many of my clients do as well. First, you will receive a newborn session prep guide weeks in advance of your session. This guide will highlight simple ways to prepare your home, ideas for what to wear, and what your session will look like. 

Additionally, about two weeks before your session, we will have a brief phone call to cover any questions or concerns you might have. This includes what activities you like to do as a family, what clothes you plan on wearing, and what areas in your home will be best for your session. 

What else can you expect for you newborn session? How I plan for your session makes a difference in the length of time and pace of your session. I plan poses for your session through sketching. Trust me, my daughter is an amazing sketch artist, I am not. However, I know how to draw stick figures and how to create layers in your ‘poses.’ After you have shared pics of your home, I roughly sketch about 10 different setups, or poses to incorporate into your session. This planning helps me go into your session with ideas in place, thus saving you time and building trust.

Expect a Child Led Pace for Your Newborn Session

You might think I am the one in-charge of your session. That is not always the case, especially if you have other children. Each session I conduct I look to the baby or the other children present and observe their behavior. If your little one is getting restless, it’s time to change positions, rooms, or take a break. Also, if your child is very reserved, and wants to be held, then you will have a very sweet session focused on snuggles. Of course, if your other children are really excited and ready to play, then you can expect there to be jumping, playing peek-a-boo, and other games. 

I try to follow your child’s cues and create the session pace around their needs. I have discovered sessions are much more relaxed and easier If I follow your children’s cues. Of course I will direct poses and situations for best angles and lighting, but I try to incorporate situations that bring enjoyment to your children as well.


I know many of you, or mostly spouses cannot image a photo session and comfortable in the same sentence. However, I think it is possible to be comfortable during your newborn session. First, you will most likely be in your own home. There is no need to have to get everyone ready and in the car to make it to the session on time. Second, There will be very few times when you are asked during the session to be still, and look at the camera. I want to see you engaged with your family, moving, playing, holding, and snuggling with each other, things you would normally do. 

Interested and what to know more? I would love to share more about what you can expect for your upcoming newborn session. I am curious, what expectations do you have for your newborn session?

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hey there, I'm Allison


I use my blog to share about  my photography sessions, prepare my clients for their photography sessions, and share helpful resources for new parents.




helpful hints