My New Favorite Session

You might be wondering what exactly is a Fresh 48 Hour Session?
A Fresh 48 Newborn Session is sometimes called a First 48 Hour Session. This family photography session takes place within the first 12-48 hours your baby has been born. Yes, we are talking really little, new, wrinkly, and oh so sweet newborns.
a Fresh 48 Newborn Session occurs in the hospital room or birthing room. These sessions are a mixture of documentary style and ‘posed’ style of images. For example, I love to capture parents dressing their newborn baby, swaddling their newborn, burping, and cuddling their sweet new addition. Then, I will give some loosely guided posed suggestions, such as holding and looking at your baby, talking with your spouse while holding your baby, and capturing siblings looking at and touching their new baby.
I make it a priority to capture your newborn’s fine features, from their swirly hair, their wrinkles on their backs, and their little tiny toes and fingers. As we all know, your baby’s features will change drastically over their first year of life. I would love to help families capture their newborns unique features before the time slips away.
Capturing the Begining
The best part is you and your spouse and their siblings are in the photographs. You do not have to worry about the quality of images you capture with your phones, or grandparents trying to take a family picture for you, I am there to ease that burden. You and your family will be in my care. These images make incredible albums to gift to your children so they can look back on what it was like the days following their birth. Your little one will absolutely treasure these albums showing their mom, dad, and siblings react to their addition to becoming part of the family.
I cannot begin to put into words the magic that these Fresh 48 Newborn Sessions create. To witness and capture the way a mom looks at her newborn and to see the manner in which a new dad holds their baby is incredible. I love having siblings for the session because you get to witness the siblings becoming the older child. Also, capturing all the ways siblings look at, hold, and try to care for their new baby is a treasure! See more of my 48Hour Newborn Sessions here!
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