Family Photography Posing Tips | Fort Worth Family Photographer’s Ideas

September 21, 2023

hey there, I'm Allison


I use my blog to share about  my photography sessions, prepare my clients for their photography sessions, and share helpful resources for new parents.




helpful hints

Family of three posing together for family pictures

Family photography posing tips are not complicated! Even though people describe my photography as unexpected joys, authentic, real life, causal, etc…, we can still talk about poses.

It might surprise you, but I do use poses throughout your photography session. Prior to every session, I sketch a series of poses that  I want to try and incorporate into your session. These poses are typically guided by the light source in your home, the studio, or outdoors.

Playful Family Photography Posing

Please know, my poses are not about me putting you in a certain stance and you have to freeze in place and look at the camera. My family photography posing tips are more about creating flattering angles and reasons for engagement with your family members. As I am posing a family I will typically say, “ok, let’s figure out this puzzle and get everyone’s piece to fit.”

There are a number of ways you can take advantage of my directions by following these simple posing hints.

How to Pose for your Family Photography Session

  1. Just smile! I will say it over and over and over again. No matter how your children are behaving (as long as everyone is safe), just relax and keep that smile on your face. If you are walking together and holding hands with your family, pretend you are waking on the street of gold. Relax and keep your smile going!
  2. Use your hands. Hold a hand, reach out to your child with your hand, brush hair out of your child’s face with your hand, tickle your kiddos, swing your child in the air, and you get the picture. Use your hands to engage your children and your spouse. My photography style is meant to be playful and carefree. You are allowed and encouraged to MOVE.
  3. Be aware of your posture. You might not always think about how your posture looks, but you need to be aware of your posture in your photography session. This can look like sitting up straight in a comfy chair instead of leaning back and rounding your shoulders and lowering your chin. Keep your back somewhat straight while holding your baby instead of letting your shoulders sink and hips jut out. These are not big ‘corrections,’ but posture is something to be aware of.
  4. Don’t just look at the camera. I know that goes against what many children and dads typically hear, but truly do not look at me unless I ask you to. I want you looking at each other, looking at your spouse, gazing at your children. Those are the connections and relationships we want to document. You have enough formal pictures of your family looking at and saying saying cheese to the camera. I am here to capture the engagement you have with each other, not the camera.

I hope these tips will help you feel more relaxed and more aware of my expectations for you and your family during your session.

Explore more categories:  family session, Helpful Hints

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hey there, I'm Allison


I use my blog to share about  my photography sessions, prepare my clients for their photography sessions, and share helpful resources for new parents.




helpful hints